Record breaking Chinese railways speed ahead.
By Mark Andrews
Vertu Select. 31/03/2011
Motorbikes sales in China may be slumping, but the new generation shows an appetite for luxury vehicles, writes Mark Andrews
“Why have all the cars on the highway stopped?” I asked. Then the realisation hit – when you’re travelling at 350kmph everything appears to be stationary.
On 3 December last year, China thundered into the record books with its CRH380A train hitting 486.1kmph (302mph) – the fastest speed ever achieved for an operational conventional train. In doing so it shattered the previous record of 416.6kmph (259mph) set earlier in 2010 by the same train type on the Shanghai-Hangzhou line. And, in January the newly developed CRH380BL narrowly edged out the previous record when it reached 487kmph
You can read the full article here

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