Weekend Getaway – Shanghai.
By Mark Andrews
Metropolis Magazine (Tokyo). 02/04/2010
Travel article tied in to the Shanghai Expo and some alternative ways to experience the city.
Shanghai Expo 2010 runs from May 1 to October 31, and the local government has been busy making good on its motto of “Better city, better life.” New infrastructure projects are being completed at breakneck speed for the May deadline, neighborhoods cleaned up, and even an ill-considered smoking ban imposed. But where can visitors get a more authentic Shanghai experience?
It isn’t the most conventional vantage point, but for a bird’s-eye view over the Expo site, a climb up Lupu Bridge can’t be beaten (open daily 8:30am-5pm; 80 yuan per person). Building buffs should note that this is the longest arch bridge in the world, and the first ever to use box-arch construction.
You can read the full article here

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