Women in Business.
By Mark Andrews
Laowai Magazine. March 2012
These smart and proactive female entrepreneurs are making their dreams come true
No sooner have women freed themselves now some are chaining themselves from the kitchen sink now some are chaining themselves to it in the name of business – or so it would seem judging from female expat entrepreneurs in Shanghai. Many of the businesses are food related, but there are also companies such as ecoBibi who are busy building a factory in Kunshan.
Food businesses such as Strictly Cookies started after a hankering for a taste from back home. “I couldn’t find a cookie in Shanghai that stood up to the taste and standards I had grown accustomed to in America” says Lexie Comstock who is now one of the partners in The Pantry. This cooperative provides a larder to satiate the cravings of homesick expats.
You can read the full article here

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