How to get started.
By Mark Andrews
Laowai Magazine. April 2012
So you’re sitting on a great business idea but aren’t sure how to get started, here is some advice that could help
Before you go all out with the hassle and expense of registering a business it might be good to test your product on the market. A good starting point, small markets such as the Jiashan market or bazaars like Zocou, which is run by Noenne Neergaard and Cristina Rueda. These provide a testing ground and outlet for micro businesses. “Many trailing spouses want to have a business but don’t want to invest a lot of money in China,” says Rueda. The fairs allow small start ups to test the waters and also gain traction by finding possible retail clients.
Zocou is now taking this concept online giving entrepreneurs a forum to communicate with one another and will be launching a sales platform soon. They plan to offer workshops on photographing products and how to use Google Analytics to help companies optimize sales. “One of our goals is to create workshops which would add value to the small business owner,” explains Rueda.
You can read the full article here

Let’s Get Started
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