Turn to Stone.
By Mark Andrews
Kansai Time Out. July 2007
Seen that, done that, got the T-shirt. In fact you’ve probably got a whole closetful of T-shirts. Unfortunately, souvenirs amount to much the same thing wherever they come from. How many key rings does a person need? Wouldn’t it be nice to have something that would do more than just gather dust? Even better, something that is actually made in the country! And what if you made it yourself? Well, that’s all possible with the Just Jade Experience in Hokitika, South Island, New Zealand.
Hokitika is a small town, population 3,500, situated on the west coast of the South Island. Settled in the 1860s it became one of the busiest ports in New Zealand. These days Hoki, as the locals call it, ticks along with tourism, farming, fishing and forestry. Tourism is largely centred around crafts and the surrounding countryside.
You can read the full article here

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