Nagoya’s big names, trains and automobiles.
By Mark Andrews
Japan Times. 13/03/2016
Mount Fuji whizzes by as I drive the Tokaido N700 series shinkansen from Tokyo to Nagoya. “Don’t let the speed go above 270 kilometers per hour,” warns Kaori Takagi. I heed the warning, though Takagi is not a shinkansen driver instructor. We are, in fact, in the simulator at the SCMAGLEV and Railway Park in Nagoya, where she is museum curator.
Next year sees the opening of Nagoya’s Legoland. Covering 9.3 hectares, it will be the second Legoland in Asia and is set to feature a replica of Nagoya Castle made from 225,000 Lego bricks. However, Nagoya is already home to some great museums, including the SCMAGLEV and Railway Park, many of which feature hands-on exhibits and interactive experiences.
You can read the full article here

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