Guangzhou, The Southern Pearl & China’s Third Largest City
By Mark Andrews
Serendib – SriLankan Airlines. October 2018
Guangzhou developed on its importance as a port. From 1757 to 1842 under the Canton System it was the only Chinese port open to international trade. Shamian Island is the best start for delving into this past. Literally meaning ‘sandy surface’, the small artificial island in the Pearl River became a British and French Concession after the Opium Wars in 1859.
Unlike much of old Guangzhou the island remains largely as it was in colonial times. Wander along the tree lined streets – some pedestrianised – and immerse yourself in architectural splendour away from the city bustle. Unfortunately, most buildings are not open to the public but notable structures to look out for include the former British Canton Club and the restored Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel built by the French in 1892.
You can read the full article here

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