The Tesla Model.
By Mark Andrews
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business Knowledge. Summer 2020
At an event held at Tesla’s brand-new Shanghai factory on January 7, CEO Elon Musk was recorded busting out some awkward dance moves onstage to celebrate the deliveries of the first China-made Model 3 cars. The video instantly went viral, and if the sales reception of Tesla cars in 2020 is anything to go by, he may well have the entire country dancing to the same tune for quite a while.
Musk, synonymous with Tesla, is a household name all over the world. If one thing is common throughout his ventures as a serial-entrepreneur and investor, it is that he has dared to dream what others describe as “impossible.” Tesla’s factory is exactly that. Not only is Tesla the first foreign corporation to build cars in a wholly-owned factory in China, but also the setup—from permits to a finished plant—took just 168 days to complete.
You can read the full article here

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