Velvet Lounge.
By Mark Andrews
City Weekend (Shanghai). 22/06/2006
‘Julu lu’ and ‘classy’ are not words you often hear in the same sentence. Velvet Lounge tries to strike a more salubrious tone and you will know that if you hit all the bar girls you’ve gone too far. In the same building as Casanova, it is entered through a courtyard. The inside is a safe haven where velvet upholstered sofas envelope you. Relaxing lounge music, unfortunately sometimes with the addition of bass from the bar below, provide a good environment to catch up with friends. All the standard cocktails (Y45-55) are there along with a rather surprising Hoegaarden on tap (Y55 small glass). At the entrance is the C-shaped bar with welcoming tenders. Chandeliers hang around the bar and crystal curtains surround the doorways – both a welcome break from the usual Julu Lu accoutrements.
You can read the full article here

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