2nd Home – Whose home?
By Mark Andrews
City Weekend (Shanghai). 13/12/2007
Well it’s cleaner and tidier than my home but has the same lack of people. This place with its pictures of scantily glad girls and musicians gives the feel of an adolescent’s den but without the angst and grunge. Little seems to have changed from the venue’s previous incumbents Pilpil Pub and in fact the old sign on the landing remains. Prices without the specials are not particularly good at Y35 for a large Carlsberg and Y45 for spirits. Though, happy hour lasting to 11pm is not a bad deal. Downstairs is centred around the bar and has a few red sofas. Upstairs has a darts board and pool table and a few comfortable chairs. This could well be a place to invade as a group and make it your own.
Unfortunately I cannot find an electronic version of this article.

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