Getting a Handle on Water Music.
By Mark Andrews
City Weekend (Shanghai). 13/09/2007
October’s Golden Week holiday brings with it the first annual Zhujiajiao World Music Festival. Coinciding with the water village’s tourism festival, the music event will feature performers from across the world. Headlining the event will be The Shin from Georgia, Vietnamese French performers Nguyen Le and Huong Thanh, Saharadja, an ethnic fusion band from Indonesia, and the Aseana Percussion Unit from Malaysia. In total, 15 bands will play at performance venues spread throughout the historic water village. Locally-based American jazz pianist Steve Sweeting will also perform along with a number of traditional Chinese groups.
Peter Lee, the festival’s organizer, says that “Whilst China has become much richer financially, China is still spiritually and culturally undernourished and the festival can do a lot to educate and enrich the Chinese people.” For this reason, the performances will be free, excluding the Y10 entry fee to Zhujiajiao and excepting the VIP concerts on September 29 and 30.
You can read the full article here

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