Nov 1, 2007 | Travel Writing
All Aboard! By Mark Andrews City Weekend. 01/11/2007 How China’s new high speed trains are revolutionising travel in China. Bang on time at 7.45am on January 28 train D653 left the ultra modern Shanghai South Station bound for Hangzhou. This gleaming white streamlined...
Oct 17, 2007 | Travel Writing
World of Ice. By Mark Andrews South China Morning Post. 17/10/2007 Travel article about a heli hike onto the Franz Joseph glacier on New Zealand’s South Island. As we swoop low over the ridge, the white of the Franz Josef Glacier, New Zealand, stretches below us....
Sep 13, 2007 | General Journalism, Travel Writing
Getting a Handle on Water Music. By Mark Andrews City Weekend (Shanghai). 13/09/2007 A look at the World Music Festival held in Zhujiajiao a water town on the outskirts of Shanghai. October’s Golden Week holiday brings with it the first annual Zhujiajiao World Music...
Sep 1, 2007 | Travel Writing
Sichuan Safari. By Mark Andrews Kansai Time Out. September 2007 Travel highlights of China’s Sichuan Province. They say it is a mistake to return. Ten years had passed. I no longer recognised the city after its metamorphosis. The citizens, I am sure, love the...
Aug 15, 2007 | Food Writing, Travel Writing
Bowled over. By Mark Andrews South China Morning Post. 15/07/2007 Travel article about the Ramen Museum in Yokohama, Japan. “Oishii [delicious],” says the TV presenter almost before the morsel touches her mouth. Japan seems to be a nation obsessed with food....
Jul 1, 2007 | Travel Writing
Turn to Stone. By Mark Andrews Kansai Time Out. July 2007 How carving your own jade jewellery in Hokitika New Zealand makes for an unusual souvenir. Seen that, done that, got the T-shirt. In fact you’ve probably got a whole closetful of T-shirts. Unfortunately,...