Apr 1, 2012 | General Journalism, Travel Writing
Caring Cambodia. By Mark Andrews Laowai Magazine. April 2012 How tourism in Cambodia is saving the environment and building futures for its disadvantaged. The sweet and lush aroma of frangipani fills the air of the reception area. Opening my door at the Boddhi Tree...
Apr 1, 2012 | Business Journalism, General Journalism
How to get started. By Mark Andrews Laowai Magazine. April 2012 So you’re sitting on a great business idea but aren’t sure how to get started, here is some advice that could help Before you go all out with the hassle and expense of registering a business it might be...
Mar 1, 2012 | Business Journalism, General Journalism
Women in Business. By Mark Andrews Laowai Magazine. March 2012 These smart and proactive female entrepreneurs are making their dreams come true No sooner have women freed themselves now some are chaining themselves from the kitchen sink now some are chaining...
Mar 1, 2012 | Business Journalism, General Journalism
In the Land of Mink and Money. By Mark Andrews Laowai Magazine. March 2012 Is China really one of the world’s richest and fastest growing markets, or is it just a global legend? Mark Andrews went in search of answers For a trio of folk fresh out of the countryside the...
Aug 11, 2011 | General Journalism
China’s high speed rail crash – What really happened? By Mark Andrews Rail.co 11/08/2011 This article was originally on the Rail.co website of Rail Engineer but neither the website or article seems to exist any longer online and so below is my original unedited...
Aug 1, 2011 | Business Journalism, General Journalism
China, ahoy: big boats are in fashion. By Mark Andrews Vertu Select. 02/09/2013 Motorbikes sales in China may be slumping, but the new generation shows an appetite for luxury vehicles, writes Mark Andrews This year’s Shanghai International Boat Show marked the end of...