SEA Globe. Face Value.

SEA Globe. Face Value.

Face Value. By Mark Andrews SEA Globe. November 2013 Vietnam’s unrelenting belief in the power of rhino horn is causing the animals to be mutilated and driven to extinction Three shots from a high-calibre rifle ring out across the bushveld. It is about 2am in Kruger...
Devon Life. A Flotsam Furore.

Devon Life. A Flotsam Furore.

A Flotsam Furore. By Mark Andrews Devon Life. February 2013 Although no stranger to shipwrecks and smuggling in centuries past, Branscombe hit the headlines in 2007 when a container vessel lost its cargo offshore, sparking a beachcombing frenzy. Mark Andrews reviews...
South East Asia Globe. Chugging Along.

South East Asia Globe. Chugging Along.

Chugging Along. By Mark Andrews South East Asia Globe. November 2012 How the Asian Development Bank funded rail rehabilitation project aims to give Cambodia a functioning railway system again. One item on the agenda at the ASEAN summit in Phnom Penh this month will be...

Laowai. Qiandao Lake.

Qiandao Lake. By Mark Andrews Laowai Magazine. September 2012 Qiandao Lake harbours its own Atlantis the equally mysteriously named Lion City, a town of submerged Ming Dynasty buildings. Think you’ve never heard of Qiandao Lake? Think again. Chances are you have drunk...
Laowai Magazine. Graying China.

Laowai Magazine. Graying China.

Graying China. By Mark Andrews Laowai Magazine. August 2012 It is Shanghai that points towards the future for China, where in 2050 it is predicted that 450 million people will be over 60 – a third of the citizens. China is facing a demographic time bomb. The latest...
Laowai Magazine. Adoption in China.

Laowai Magazine. Adoption in China.

Adoption in China. By Mark Andrews Laowai Magazine. May 2012 How to adopt a child in China and a look at one family that has adopted two Chinese girls while living Shanghai. When the Calton family goes out, people have to do a double take. Not only do they have four...

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