Sep 13, 2007 | General Journalism, Travel Writing
Getting a Handle on Water Music. By Mark Andrews City Weekend (Shanghai). 13/09/2007 A look at the World Music Festival held in Zhujiajiao a water town on the outskirts of Shanghai. October’s Golden Week holiday brings with it the first annual Zhujiajiao World Music...
Dec 21, 2006 | General Journalism, Travel Writing
Art Opens Up the Lanes. City Feature. By Mark Andrews City Weekend (Shanghai). 21/12/2006 How artists, artisans and visionaries are trying to carve out something new in the lanes of Tianzifang, Shanghai. <p>Hidden in a maze of back alleys Lane 248 is best...
Sep 15, 2006 | General Journalism
The China Syndrome. By Mark Andrews Metropolis Magazine (Tokyo). Issue 651 15/09/2006 As politicians wrangle, Japanese living in China are making money and building friendships Li Jun is typical of China’s new middle class. Educated at university, he worked as a...
Jul 1, 2006 | General Journalism
Haute Dogs. By Mark Andrews That’s Shanghai. July 2006 A look at the growing pet care industry in Shanghai. How much is that doggie in the window? In this Year of the Dog, it seems that a canine in a pot is not the only buying option. For many Shanghai residents it’s...
Mar 1, 2005 | General Journalism, Travel Writing
Traditional Japanese Houses: ‘No shoes please, we’re Japanese!’ By Mark Andrews Eat Japan (London). Issue 17 Spring 2005 How traditional Japanese housing elements still feature in even the most modern apartments. Even in 21st Century, high tech, neon blazing Tokyo old...Jul 25, 2002 | General Journalism
Seoul’s Own Goal. By Mark Andrews New Seoul News. 25/07/2002 The effect of hosting the World Cup on Korea and in particular Seoul. The World Cup was a goal for Seoul. It has been far more successful than the Olympics at putting Korea on the world map. Who can forget...