CKGSB Knowledge. TikTok Shock.

CKGSB Knowledge. TikTok Shock.

TikTok Shock. By Mark Andrews Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business Knowledge. Fall 2019 ByteDance, an almost unknown Chinese company, is taking over the world TikTok’s latest viral challenge has the world’s teens gluing up their top lips with eyelash adhesive to...
CKGSB Knowledge. Going Underground.

CKGSB Knowledge. Going Underground.

Going Underground. By Mark Andrews Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business Knowledge. Summer 2019 China’s mostly underground metro networks have expanded at an incredible pace. What is the scale and importance of these urban rail systems and how have they affected...
CKGSB Knowledge. Hungry for Profits

CKGSB Knowledge. Hungry for Profits

Hungry For Profits. By Mark Andrews Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business Knowledge. Spring 2019 Ordering takeout has revolutionized China’s dining scene, but what is the real price of food deliveries and can it last? Go to any restaurant in China around meal time...
CKGSB Knowledge. Beijing Cool.

CKGSB Knowledge. Beijing Cool.

Beijing Cool By Mark Andrews Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business Knowledge. Winter 2018 China’s millennials are key to the future of fashion, and they are demanding designs that resonate with their heritage. In years to come, New York Fashion Week 2018 may be...

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